Appetitive Neuroscience Seminar Series 2019-2020
30 November, 2020
Jennifer Sadler, PhD
Carnell Lab, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Julia Leonard, PhD
Mackey Lab, UPenn
“Development of appetite traits during childhood and adolescence”
“Social influence on children’s persistence”
30 October, 2020
Charles Zhao, PhD
Hampson Lab, Yale University
Aaron Mattfeld, PhD
Department of Psychology, Florida International University
“Hippocampal, striatal, and neocortical contributions to conditional memory-guided behavior”
“Real-time fMRI neurofeedback: A promising treatment for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder”
30 September 2020
Robert Pellegrino, PhD
Center for Sensory Science, University of Tennessee
Jason Avery, PhD
Laboratory for Brain and Cognition, NIH
“Individual differences in oral texture aversion and acceptance”
“Tasting pictures: Viewing images of foods evokes taste-quality-specific activity in gustatory insular cortex”
31 August, 2020
Alexander Dufford, PhD
Yale Child Study Center
Stephanie Noble, PhD
Scheinost Lab, Yale University
“Prenatal exposures and infant brain development: Maternal anxiety symptoms and maternal cannabis use”
“A decade of test-retest liability of functional connectivity”
29 May, 2020
Helena Rutherford, PhD
Yale Child Study Center
Jordan Thierault
Feldman-Barrett Lab, Northeastern University
“Here’s looking at you kid: The role of infant cues as appetitive stimuli”
“The sense of should: A metabolically grounded framework for modeling social coordination”
28 February, 2020
Clara Fonteneau, PhD
Anticevic Lab, Yale University
Thang Le, PhD
Ray Li Lab, Yale University
“Mapping neurodevelopmental trajectories of thalamocortical systems across the mental health spectra”
“Pain and reward circuits antagonistically modulate alcohol expectancy to regulate drinking”
31 January, 2020
Kristina Rapuano, PhD
Casey Lab, Yale University
Or Duek, PhD
Harpaz-Rotem Lab, Yale University
“At risk for being risky: Neural signatures of vulnerability to health-risk behaviors
“PTSD augmented psychotherapy with ketamine (KPE)”
21 November, 2019
Alecia Dager, PhD
Department of Psychiatry, Yale Olin Neuropsychiatry Research Center
Ruonan Jia
Levy Lab, Yale University
“fMRI of alcohol cue reactivity in adolescents and young adults”
“Neural mechanisms of decision making under ambiguity in disease and health”
31 October, 2019
Sarah Lichenstein, PhD
Yip Lab, Yale University
Marinka Koenis, PhD
Olin Neuropsychiatry Research Center
“Distinct neural networks predict opioid versus cocaine abstinence in polysubstance users”
“Food cue reactivity in successful laparoscopic gastric banding: A shamdeflation-controlled pilot fMRI study”
30 September, 2019
Renee Rotolo
Salamone Lab, University of Connecticut
Dustin Schneinost, PhD
Radiology & Biomedical Imaging, Yale University
“Dopamine, depression, and drug development: Motivational dysfunction in studies with animal models”
“Maternal pre-pregnancy BMI: associations with fetal growth, neonatal connectivity, and toddler behavior”
30 August, 2019
Lisa Ji
Anticevic Lab, Yale University
Tuki Attuquafiyo, PhD
Small Lab, Yale University
“Characterizing variation in neural connectivity and behavior in the psychosis spectrum: Towards rational treatment design”
“Resting state connectivity predicts future planning in food choice”